— our skills
Companies capable of generating sustainable impacts over time have people who are able to better face challenges and evolve in the face of the unpredictable.
Organizations that thrive in complexity are those with special people.
People who are able to deal with their own fragility, sensitive to seize, even in difficulties, valuable resources to generate unconventional responses.
We help people to increase their personal and interpersonal effectiveness through engaging development experiences both on a cognitive and emotional level.
We offer them:

The organization embraces the future and uncertainty in a winning way if its members – especially its leaders – have developed a personal mastery and a psychological maturity that allow them to have not only optimal technical skills but also excellent interpersonal skills.
Through paths of:
We support people in the company through cognitive and emotional development paths in order to generate their own sustainable personal evolution and to bring about an effective change in the mindset and behaviour in the company, to the simultaneous benefit of the employee and the organisation.

In a volatile, complex and uncertain world we believe that emotions are measurable signals that help us to survive and grow. As we learn to use our emotions, they help us make more effective decisions, connect with others, find and follow strategies. They are an indispensable GPS for moving through complexity. Quaeryon is part of EQBiz, the Six Seconds network of experts in EI in and for business.
With numerous assessment tools we can measure and train everyone’s EI making each person more aware and capable of generating more effective actions
A 2-day training course to learn about IE and understand its impact on professional and personal well-being
A 3-day training course to use IE in the company, creating positive impacts on personal and team performance

Developing an antifragile attitude means generating a curious attitude that allows entering into chaotic and stressful situations with an open and non-defensive approach, and with a fresh look oriented towards learning and growth rather than risk or loss. Protecting systems, people and organisations from stress, uncertainty and complexity is not productive, it prevents evolution and maturity. We need to learn how to get out of our comfort zone and develop evolutionary leadership.
Our path is organized on 5 steps:
The ability to react productively in the face of unforeseen situations, new and unusual contexts
Looking at what has happened and readjusting accordingly reassures and pushes people towards new situations with openness and willingness to change
Ability to recognize the message of a dominant emotion that is generated during an event and decide how to act
Ability to go beyond the limits of knowledge by removing psychological constraints that prevent us from seeing new opportunities
Ability to make choices in the face of difficult situations